a short art film about the project by: Allen Killian-Moore
-/-/- a temporary public art sculptural installation -/-/-

The Project
Sister Cities Park - Duluth, MN
September 1st thru October 15th, 2020
-/-/- on the shore of Gichigami -/-/-

Artist Statement
UNWEAVING is a grant-funded project from MN artist TIA KEObounpheng
-|-|- through the conceptual notions and physical motions of weaving -|-|-

Karelian Red Exodus
Learn more about the North American Finns that left for Karelia, Russia in the 1930s
-/-/- UNWEAVE: to undo, take apart; unravel -/-/-

Learn more about epigenetics and access resources that have informed this project.
-/-/- white people must unweave their own whiteness -/-/-

Unweaving Whiteness
At this time in America, the process of unweaving includes recognizing our identity in the construct of whiteness, within a system of White Supremacy.
-/-/- a personal and collective unweaving -/-/-

Share your experience
Will you take a moment to share your experience of this project?
-/-/- A process and practice that continues daily -/-/-

Process Blog
Learn more about the process of making this project a reality … will be updated retroactively
Thank you!
Thank you for engaging this project with your time & energy. Emotional work is often exhausting. I appreciate your willingness to take part.
Thank you to the MN State Arts Board, The Duluth Art Institute, The City of Duluth, The Duluth Mayor’s Office, The Duluth Public Art Commission, The Duluth Park’s Board, and Sister Cities Commission for your partnership; Souliyahn Keobounpheng and my children for the literal help of getting this built, my parents and siblings and my Aunt, Uncle, and Auntie for the knowledge and stories; Paige, Patricia, Betsy, Sarah, Sarah, and Sarah, Portia, Gabrielle, Amy, Alicia, and Lisa for the moral support; The Nordic Center for your enthusiasm; Allen Killian-Moore for your vision, Michelle Bennett for your eyes; and to Christina Woods for continuously nudging me along this path.

Artist Talk
Outdoor, socially distanced artist talk & discussion on site.
Tia Keobounpheng is a fiscal year 2020 recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation by the Minnesota State Legislature; and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.
DULUTH 2020 project photography by: wolfskullcreative.com